Hi This is

Ben Hsieh

Full-Stack Software Engineer

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Hi there!

I am a New York based software engineer that specializes in Angular, Spring, React JS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and Java. I enjoy programming because it allows me to solve real world problems through coding. When I am not programming I enjoy trying out different baking / cooking recipes, and playing guitar.

  • Name Ben Hsieh
  • Country USA
  • Location New York, NY
  • e-mail bqh5026@gmail.com
  • Phone (347) 257 9966
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  • Education

  • App Academy

    Jan - May 2020

    1000-hour coding school with an admissions rate below 3%, which emphasizes coding style, pair programming, and best practices.

  • MBA - University of Maryland at College Park

    Degree in Information Systems.

  • BS - New York University

    Degree in Finance.

  • Experience

  • JPMorgan Chase - Software Engineer, CIB

    March 2022 - present

    Work on enterprise public lockbox project

  • Revature - Software Engineer

    November 2020 - March 2022

    Built various projects involving Angular JS, Java Spring, Javalin, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, JDBC

    Wrote JUnit, Mockito, Selenium Cucumber, and Protractor tests to comply with test-driven development (TDD) & behavior-driven development (BDD) process and used Maven to manage app product cycles

    Frequent hackathon participation such as Mintbean.io platform.

    Contribute to various open source projects such as Animation CSS in Zero to Mastery community.

  • New Fully Bakery Inc. - Business Owner

    Sept 2012 - Jan 2020

    Designed, configured, and maintained WordPress, Instagram, and Facebook websites for the store in order to increase online presence that resulted in overall revenue increase of over 10%

    Added DoorDash, HungryPanda and UberEats restaurant partner apps that optimized and increased acceptance of online orders by more than tenfold

    Led a team of 5 members in design and manufacture of specialty cakes, cakes, breads, muffins and cookies to meet high-quality standard and timely deliveries

    Interacted with various government agencies to ensure the store is 100% compliant

    Coordinated deliveries of orders to various commercial customers across NY, NJ, VA, IN, OH, and FL

My Projects


MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Node, React Google Maps, BCrypt, Body-Parser, Concurrently, Passport, JSONWebtoken
  • Collaborated with a team using a Git version control system where I was responsible for Google map customization and rendering.
  • Refined React Google Map SearchBox to allow users to re-center map view and place markers based on search location. This allows users to explore different areas of the map by typing a distant location rather than dragging the map to that location.
  • Implemented info window component with JavaScript click event listener to streamline users’ report submission and evaluation.

Crown Clothing

React, Redux, Firebase, Node, Redux Saga, Redux Thunk, Compression, Express, Body Parser, CORS, Axios, React Router Dom
  • Incorporated redux for statment management and deployed axios for async requests.
  • Created backend Stripe payment processing server to collaborate with front-end app. Utilized Google Cloud Firestore as database.
  • Leveraged React's lazy, suspense and memo for code splitting optimization.


JavaScript, Ruby, React JS, Ruby on Rails, Redux JS, Redux JS, HTML, CSS, React Tabs, SQL, Firebase, News API, IEX Cloud API, Rechart API
  • Used ES6 syntax to build scalable React JS components for splash and dashboard page. Structured ES6 functions so they may be portable in different React JS components.
  • Made ajax requests to unexpected routes in order to retrieve stocks and news data. Extended default styling and functionality of Recharts library with custom CSS to provide users with an accurate, informative, and intuitive UI for the quick consumption of stock-price data over time.
  • Built a responsive app with CSS grid system and flexbox and fine-tuned several CSS effects on forms, buttons, search box, navbars, and list items. The result is a more seamless and engaging navigation of the app.

Smart Brain Platform

React, PostgreSQL, Express, HTML, CSS, Clarifai API, React Particles JS, React Tilt, Knex JS, Tachyons CSS
  • Designed database in PostgreSQL and communicated with Clarifai API to build face recognition function
  • Leveraged React Particles JS and React Tilt for special effects

Password Generator

Angular JS, Bulma CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Now.sh
  • Generates password based on letters, numbers, and alphanumeric characters

NYC Places to Visit

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport, Express, EJS, Connect Flash
  • Verify user authentication and registration with Passport JS
  • Customized MongoDB database to handle user entries and comments

Recipes Database

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WebPack, EDAMAM API, Firebase Database
  • Used Adobe XD to wireframe the project structure and used it as a blueprint in building out the project.
  • Configured EDAMAM API axios requests to return 100 recipes per search and added pagination so that 10 results are displayed per page.
  • Implemented CSS 3 to improve UX/UI layout. Added special effects to buttons and a spinner to account for data loading. The overall effect better user experience with a professional looking website.

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